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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 5AM  ABC  July 5, 2012 4:55am-5:30am EDT

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just a few minutes before
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5:00 and a florida marine is getting pumped up for a great cause. take a look. >> 28, 29, 30. >> yes, u.s. marine corps sergeant enrique tremendous see owe does over 2,700 push-ups a day and can do them anywhere from the airport to the top of the fire truck. >> usually when i'm at work. every ten, 15 minutes i'll stop, maybe do 25 to 35. during my lunch. i take an hour out of my time do push-ups. >> trevino is determined to meet the goal and is already halfway there. so far the sergeant says he's raised nearly $10,000. well, about a million people are living with parkinson's disease here in the u.s. and doctors at the cleveland clinic are trying to find new ways to control the symptoms some patients experience. bob is one of them. he's had the disease now for 12
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years and he started taking a pill to help him walk and talk. but the medication would wear off suddenly. then he had a tube inserted into his stomach attached to the pack. it administers his ms more consistently but is not a cure but doctors hope it will help patients manage their symptoms better on down the road. well, in other health news staph infections are increasing among members of the military. a new study shows a decline in the number of staph cases from 2005 to 2010. it's not yet clear what caused the number of cases to go down. they are highly contagious and resistant to common antibiotics. the bacteria spreads by touching. good personal hygiene helps prevent staph. here's a look at this stories this morning on "good morning maryland" at 5:00. if you've ever eaten an ice cream cone too fast you know what brain freeze can feel like. how you can avoid it. >> a fourth of july parade in wisconsin takes a terrible turn. we're going to show you the
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video and what went wrong. >> tips this morning on how to properly close an unwanted credit card account. stories like that and much more coming up at 5:00. we'll begin in two minutes after we finish with a look around the world. new details about the costa concordia cruise ship taser in italy. remember that back in january? this was a lot of the things we saw. documents leaked to an italian newspaper suggest the crew was using outdated maps and faulty navigational equipment and also says the ship's black box is broken and was never replaced. the company that owns the costa concordia denies all the claims. an attempt to evict a man from southern germany has since turned violent leaving five people dead. the man took hostages at gunpoint. the building caught fire and the victims including the gunman are all dead. funeral services took place for one of the two women killed
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in ontario, canada. she was buying a rotly ticket when -- lottery ticket when the building came crashing down on her. authorities have now launched a criminal investigation and they've had complaints about the mall being in shabby condition before that cave-in happened. time now to start the 5:00 hour. a child drowns in a pool in anne arundel county. we have all new information and video coming up. i'm megan pringle, we're out live this morning in middle river. the lights are back on for some people but not everybody. a live report just ahead. if you're driving down the road on york road today you can expect major delays. the water main bran and now fixed but the road not yet operational just yet. that's coming up on thursday, july 5th. "good morning maryland." i'm charlie crowson. you saw there megan is on assignment out there in the heat. and is only going to warm up as the day goes on. >> i can't believe it's 80 degrees already. you know that's when you know it's going to be a hot day. >> a sticky 80 at that.
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>> exactly. humidity is high and going to go for like 99. i think frederick will probably hit 100 degrees. >> this is becoming increasingly unpopular. >> i started here with the tornadoes and now bringing you the crazy heat. let's go outside and take a look and yeah, very, very sticky morning. 56% humidity at bwi. that value very, very high for this time of the morning. take a look at temperatures. now down to 79. we're making progress in the other direction. 79 in town right now. and 81 at dover. very, very mild. weather service already activated the heat advisory for the 95 corridor and the eastern shore and ocean city want to hit the beaches today? excessive heat watch just going to be a thought in the city limits as it is on the beaches. 99 today hot and humid and isolated storm. we're going down to around 77 muggy and warm. quick look at the seven day forecast not going to make you wait. 97 on friday and 101 degrees, that's going to be brutal.
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real feel number is 110 to 115 and then good trend towards the cooler direction less humidity as we head into early next week. another check of the forecast coming up. now a look at the abc2 timesaver traffic and again all is quiet on the roads this morning. that's the good news. 95 on the south side of baltimore is all clear right now. and if you're traveling 695 near parkville for a smooth sailing for you again, don't sail. smooth sailing in terms of your car direction again we're looking really, really good. we'll go outside confirm for you 695 this time bel air road looking very, very good. and it looks like it's going to be a beautiful sunrise out in that vicinity. take a look at the drive times and confirm for you that nice commute 95 to 83 good 11 minute commute there. 795 to 95 as well as 11 minute commute and then you go from 695 to fort mchenry tunnel, just about an eight minute ride. traffic and weather together coming up. charlie over to you. new this morning firefighters have kept busy
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overnight with two two alarm fires in the city. we first told you about this at shortly before midnight. that first fire broke out inside a home on roberts street in west baltimore. that was reported around 11:30. now the second fire also a two alarm job started at the ambassador theater on liberty heights around midnight. investigators aren't exactly sure what started the fire. the ambassador you see video in from overnight. anne arundel county police on the scene right now of the overnight drowning it happened in brock lynn park. once again in anne arundel county. and abc2's sherrie johnson is here with all new information. >> reporter: charlie i've been in contact with anne arundel county police this morning. we have confirmed a 4-year-old child has drowned at a pool at a home in brooklyn park in anne arundel county. we have all new video of the scene. police tylotes child was found unresponsive in the pool at the home at 601 old riverside road. the call came in around 10:00 last night and the child was taken to harbor hospital and
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police are still investigating this case. officers spent most of the night scouring the area trying to figure out exactly what happened. we'll continue to check in with officers throughout the morning to gather the very latest information. once again, we have confirmed that a 4-year-old child has drowned at a pool in a home in brooklyn park in anne arundel county. sherrie johnson, abc2 news. well, tens of thousands remain without power this morning most of them in baltimore county. and no power means no air- conditioning. no air-conditioning means it is hot and especially miserable. megan pringle is out live in one neighborhood this morning. megan i hear some noise behind you, are those crews at work? >> reporter: charlie, the crews at work and you can also hear the hum of generators for people out here but we have some good news. within the last hour, we just learned some people on this small court they do have power. it came on at 4:00 this morning. i spoke to a guy named neal who said the first thing he did was turn on the coffee pot. but there's a lot of work out here and you can see live bge
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is on it. they're trying really hard. where we are right now is middle river an area of baltimore county where neighbors say they deal with this all the time. the problem is there's lot of trees out here and they fall on power lines. in particular one area doesn't have any power and that's because the tree needs to be cleaned up first and that tree belongs to baltimore county. so that's a big issue out here. now we did speak with some people overnight and here's what they had to say about this issue. >> they have to move the trees and do anything it's on all the wires. >> the trees are ripping off down there and it's not fair to us and you know to the older people around our area. i mean -- it's just not fair. >> reporter: now back out her live. you can probably see the crews at work trying to get the power back on for people. i did speak with one bge worker off-camera what said you know -- who said you know a big problem is you have to cut back
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your trees. there's one thing where this can be avoided in the future. they want to think about the present and they want to know when the power is going to be back on. some people in the neighborhood did say that when they spoke to someone from bge they were told late in the weekend which is brutal news because the temperatures are hot and going the someday that way. out here live in middle river. charlie back to you. >> megan pringle, like she just said another day close to 100 degrees and going to be especially dangerous and that's why the health department extend it had current code red alert for today through the entire state of maryland. health officials believe the heat and humidity will be high enough to cause heatstroke and also heat exhaustion. and those cooling centers remain open to help you deal with the high temperatures. go to our website., for a meet list of addresses and locations. well, if you're traveling along york road today in cockeysville you could experience traffic delays. a water main is now fixed but one lane on each side of the street remains closed and this is going to impact people
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driving on york between warren and swan roads. well, eating ice cream and snow cones during the hot summer days is a great way to cooloff but the brain freeze sometimes comes with that. no fun at all. we're going to explain why this happens and exactly how you can avoid it. >> also, tropical storm debby may have come and gone but some people still dealing with what that storm left behind. we're going take you there down to florida mike and show you the flooding. >> we could use some of rain up here. lawns starting to turn brown. the map, excessive heat watches, warnings, advisories. we're going to explain it all. this heat is going to be bad. that's coming up. charlie? >> all right as we go to break this morning, show you some of the fireworks that were last night. this down in baltimore's inner harbor. "good morning maryland" continues in just a few moments. [ male announcer ] this is sheldon, whose long dy setting up the news
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starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. well, some southeast georgia residents are still dealing with problems from tropical storm debby. a week after the storm left the
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area. heavy rains from that storm overloaded the st. mary's river causing it to spill into nearby neighborhoods, people are using boats to still get around and that river is slowly receding. but officials say it will be days before the water's low enough to get people back in to assess the damage caused and this is something we talked ability last week. mike. in those waters coming off of the rivers, there are critters out there. >> uh-huh. look at that actually there was a cool picture of an alligator crossing the intersection. i think i posted it on the facebook. >> you know what alligators do in situations like this? whatever they want. >> westerly wind at 10. that's not really going to help much because this -- we're starting off very, very mild and very, very mild. take a look at what's going on. this is the satellite picture of big storms over new jersey last night and over deep creek and that kind of sliced the state in half. we were sandwiched in-between and got very, very lucky. warnings west and east of town
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but we'll see if the trend continues because i think we will see showers and storms tonight. salisbury 82 degrees and excessive heat advisory goes into effect today. excessive heat watches over the eastern shore and then you get into the excessive heat warnings north into philadelphia, trenton. wilmington just blistering heat for your afternoon today. we're going to come very, very close to 100 degrees, 98 to 99 degrees again two degree guarantee of 98. 93 by 8:00 and a gusty shower or thunderstorm. it gets much hotter i'm going to use the word much by saturday. we'll detail that forecast coming up in just a minute. now a check of the abc2 timesaver traffic. and pretty quiet thus far as we go over to the maps. people you know must have today and tomorrow off. because we are looking pretty good on the maps. all the roads are quiet and not much going on. reminder of the big construction project that's ongoing 95 they're going to is that right this back up knocking out the left lane on 895 and again that's going to
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be closed in the north side -- northbound side between -- potty street and frank -- frank fest avenue okay? so you must -- you will see some delays along that area. morning -- as the morning progresses. but for right now it shouldn't be that bad. m dot cameras showing us a pretty good looking shot. 695 at bel air road as you can see travel -- no travel problems out there. charlie over to you. the mother of a local 22- year-old hit and killed by a car in ocean city is now speaking out about her son's death. we're going to tell you how the mom is coping with the loss and what she has to say about the man accused of killing her son. >> and this morning, a story that will make your head hurt. brain freeze. an unfortunate side effect of the cool treats like snow cones and ice cream. we're going to share some tips on how you don't get it. this is news you can use. >> as we go break this morning, boston, beantown, their fire work display. "good morning maryland" continues in just a few moments. @ [ barks ]
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and this could be our most important story of this thursday morning because in the middle of the heat wave you may reach for an ice cream or a snowball to help cool you down and maybe you were too eager and then you feel it immediately. that dreaded brain freeze. this morning abc's linsey davis takes a look at brain freeze and what you need to know to avoid it. take a look. >> reporter: outside, this -- can be music to your ears. every year the average american consumes 6 six gallons of the creamy cold stuff but even though we all scream for ice cream it can lead to screaming pain. that's right the dreaded ice cream headache. also known as brain freeze. >> oh now it's kicking in. >> really got brain freeze. >> oh my head. >> goes to your head the worst pain headache ever. >> reporter: now military doctors are actually studying the rocky road to brain freeze.
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here's what they've found. this is your brain. this is your brain on ice cream. as you wolf down that triple scoop your treat sends an icy blast to the roof of your smith and then brain sickle. >> when that rapid cooling occurs that disturbance is picked up by that nerve. >> reporter: dr. loader of the headache center at harvard university says brain freeze is very common. even more so if you're already prone to headaches. and scientists say speed counts. >> which is eat cautiously and slowly like your mother told you. >> reporter: i decided to test that theory. don't think for a second that i'm going to enjoy this. this is strictly in the name of science. all right! still going on right now. so if the summer heat means you just have to have that slurpee, don't sweat it. but slurp at your own risk.
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>> all right, that was linsey davis reporting. you hear mike laughing in the background because you're guilty of what just happened aren't you? >> oh man am i. i usually drink a little water if i get it and somehow -- >> what do you, pre-med kate? a couple of advil and glass of water before? >> dr. miss key has spoken. >> proper planning. >> kent island very, very nice. you had a great fireworks display earlier we were looking at time lapse earlier this morning. 79 downtown. 82 salisbury and dover delude checking in at -- delaware checking in at 81 degrees and again heat and humidity combined. we have heat indesize at 85 in dover. that's going to be an issue today. excessive heat advisory in effect for the corridor and again we are expecting the heat indices to rise to 100 and 105
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today and even worse on saturday. the big storms in new jersey and even deep creek, maryland saw some warnings from the overnight. we're going to watch these storms upstream as this can drift in our direction we could be addressing more storms in the forecast this evening going into tonight. and again the heat is just going to continue to be blistering for much of the eastern third. 70s over the ohio valley and down towards the tennessee valley. this is where the core of the heat is set up and into the 80s right now. with a westerly wind flow with the heat furbing into our direction. hot and humid. there's an isolated storm chance mostly for the evening hours. into tonight a better shot of some thunderstorms developing. it's muggy, it's very warm. and again those temperatures, those 70-degree temperatures probably achieved around 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. so we'll remain into the upper 830s for a -- 80s for a good part of tonight. 97 tomorrow. that's a little bit of a collision as we're going to have a front that swing through but then that retreats and goes
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back to the north and that's going to open the door for extreme heat. 101 degrees that is the actual temperature. combined with the humidity is going to make it 110. so again, dangerous heat will continue going into the weekend. let's get a check on your abc2 timesaver traffic. this morning, and so far, so good. not much to talk about. traffic-wise. pretty quiet and calm out there. but be careful again if you're traveling along york road and cockeysville, crews are -- were working on a water main break from yesterday which has been fictioned but one lane on each side between warren and see wan roads will be closed today. use white or mccormick street as alternative routes. here's a live look outside. 695 at bel air road really good looking commute right now. again 795 a little construction issue down there but 695 looking good. 795 and the tunnels all looking very good. another check of traffic and weather in less than ten. a more than a month after
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her son was hit and killed by an accident in ocean city. cecilia row can now fortive but that won't bring her son back, matthew cheswick of towson city. police say diogo facchini hit cheswick along the coastal highway and new documents show the 30-year-old behinds the wheel of the car had a .27 alcohol content. that's more than three times the legal limit and his trial now set for september 13th. >> i do forgive him but i don't want him to do this again. i want him to change his life and somehow find a way to help others. i want him to turn his life around. >> there's a fund in cheswick's name. but organizers also they want to fund a scholarship. details on how to donate and also what you need know about this story more on it and the investigators section at
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well, about 1.5 million people have parkinson's disease right now in the u.s.. its symptoms can make it hard to walk and even talk. how an experimental treatment now helps to have people manage the disease more efficient lip down the road. >> a pretty disappointing fourth of july? san diego but it wasn't because of the lack of fireworks. >> speaking of fireworks as we go to break, this is atlanta, georgia. the only thing we need to play us out over hot lanta is a little ray charles. "good morning maryland" is back in a moment.
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check out the whole radiant collection. news time 5:26 and new treatment trials underway to help patients suffering with parkinson's disease. better manage their symptoms. check this out. one person is trying it is bob. he has parkinson's and had it for about 12 years, he took a pill to help him walk and talk. but that medication would wear off squiggly. so doctors they inserted a tube into his stomach that's attached to a pump. that administers his ms more
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efficiently. >> sometimes it's a hindrance. just because the pump is in the way. >> this is a miracle. it isn't that he has no symptoms but certainly, my goodness i know their quality of life is better. >> the pump is not a cure but it keeps symptoms more controllable and more research will need to be done. its is 5:27 and we are talking about one huge letdown. the fireworks display in san diego? well, let's just call it premature detonation. you can watch the whole thing in less than 30 seconds, we're going to show it to you right now. a technical difficult ty is what they're calling it or maybe a detonation malfunction? they all go off at once. this is supposed to be a 17 minute fireworks show and no one was hurt. the whole thing lasted 28 seconds. people after the show, they just got up and went home. they'd already seen all there was to see and there were people muttering as they walked out the door. why? that was it. all right a florida lifeguard now out of a job this morning because he saved a
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person. the guy did his job. and got fired for doing so. this story has got a lot of you talking on facebook this morning. the show of solidarity for this young man for doing something he was trained to do. also you're sounding off about it on facebook. >> he's carrying the american flag on the fourth of july and for this to happen is absolutely heart-wrenching. >> a july 4th celebration goes if happy to horrifying in a matter of moments. what brought a parade to a screeching halt. we have the video to prove it. >> a live look outside at dundalk, very steamy picture. we have excessive heat not only today but the next four. we're going to detail the full forecast coming up on "good morning maryland." >> good morning, topping america's money, four more yores. many economists believe that is how long unemployment will stay high whoever is elected president in november. the experts surveyed by the associated press expect the unemployment rate to be 8% come election day. >> a congressional report says
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that mortgage company whose bad loaned helped start the foreclosure crisis played favorites. countrywide financial gave discounts to government officials. u.s. airways says it's in no hurry to merge with american airlines. american asked for more time to work its way out of bankruptcy but u.s. airways is interested in acquiring american eventually. and the amazing spiderman is swinging into the box office record books after just one day. the new movie had its best debut ever on a tuesday. $35million. "spider-man" is produced by marvel which like abc news is part of disney. that's america's money, i'm rob nelson.


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